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Hello, I am Yellowgerbil, a webcomic artist since 2012 (the Mayans had a whole calender preparing the world for my big nosed drawings). My dream is to make a living off my art, so any support you give goes towards giving a struggling artist his chance at living his dream. I will be posting an exclusive comic here called I Love My Bully. It is the story of an athletic girl named Jordan who doesn't really fit in and lashes out a bit, especially at her classmate Bailey. The core of the story deals with Jordan fighting against her feelings for Bailey after being kissed by her. The comic is full of sex and nudity so if you aren't over 18, GO AWAY YOU. ![]( I will update with a new page every other week. If donations reach $1000 a month I will increase that to weekly. Not sure if the comic is your cup of tea? Check out the original never finished version of the comic (the arts old and not the best indication of my current ability)

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